
Tu Bi-Shvat Past

  1. Someone translated and adapted yesterday's blog post into French. Pretty cool.
  2. An article I wrote about the Israeli Rabbinate's policy on government-supervised milk appeared in the Jerusalem Post earlier in the week. Related links: my article on RMF, a chabura I gave about RMF's policy of "reluctant leniency," OU policy on government supervised milk, a recent panel discussion on chalav Yisrael, the Rabbanut's position paper on chalav Yisrael).
  3. I made my Hebrew debut this week, for local shul publication. I translated an earlier essay on the mishna in Avot (3:7 - "What a beautiful tree!") which appeared here and here into Hebrew. 
  4. A Tu Bi-Shvat seder I put together a few years ago is here. The phases of the seder correspond to historical celebrations of Tu Bi-Shvat.

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