
Flotillapalooza (or: Flotillarrhea)

Maybe I'll post my own thoughts later, but first I want to link to a couple of opinion pieces that appeared yesterday or early this morning. In my work for JID I see a lot of the Jewish opinion articles that appear on the Web. These all appeared during the c. 36 hours between late Monday night and Wednesday morning, Israel time. It doesn't even include blogs and some of the nuttier media outlets. Needless to say, this is quite atypical. And no, I did not read them all:

Israel's link to apartheid is more than an analogy - Al-Arabiya

Israel itself may be among the victims of its pathology - Al-Arabiya

Israeli PR disaster, again - Ynet

A failure any way you slice it - Haaretz

Only a judicial commission of inquiry - Haaretz

Sympathy for the Devil and the Gaza Sea Confrontation: How Can Helping a Repressive Fascist, Genocide-Intending Hamas Regime be Innocent? Rubin reports

The rush to judgment- Jpost

The Flotilla Was a Killer - Forward

Time to get our act together Posted by Isi Leibler – Jpost blogs

The truth? Who cares? - Jpost blogs

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: The Provocative 'Peace' Flotilla That Ended in Tragedy - huffPost

Warren Goldstein: What Will Israel Not Do? HuffPost

Stop the hypocrisy about Israel - CNN

How did we get so dumb? - ynet

In the Past - Tablet

Egypt Lifts the Blockade, ‘9/11 for Turkey’ - Tablet

Massacring the truth – Ynet

Lynch’ Mob - Tablet

Ralph Peters

A turning point for Turkey - Jpost

The Gaza convoy takeover: An effective ‘casus bellum’? - Jpost

From friend to (almost certainly) foe - Jpost

Thank you, 1st sergeant A. - ynet

Is there another option? - Haaretz

It's time for real disengagement - Haaretz

Shalit's a prisoner of a single line of thinking – Haaretz

The collateral damage from Israel's raid - Washington Post

The Non-Violent Murder of Jews - Before It's News

Mavi Marmara and the Exodus - New York Sun

Echoes of Raid on 'Exodus' Ship in 1947 - New York Times (blog)

The Lynching of Israel: The Global Propaganda Wars Gather Force - Pajamas Media (blog)

Emily Soloff: Judaism permits self defense - Chicago Tribune (blog)

Israel's Unjustifiable, No-Win Move - The Atlantic (blog)

Turkey and Israel: a deepening chill - The Guardian

Analysis: Israeli raid puts Obama on the spot - Washington Post

Israel's Raid on the Gaza Flotilla: What is President Obama To Do To Succeed ... - Huffington Post (blog) Stephen P. Cohen

Why Israel's Attack on An Aid Flotilla Won't Be a "Tipping Point" – Newsweek

Israel, stop apologizing - Ynetnews

Strutting from Tehran to Damascus, from Beirut to Gaza - Huffington Post (blog) David Harris

Bradley Burston: The Second Gaza War: Israel Lost at Sea – HuffPost

Alan Dershowitz: Israel's Actions Were Entirely Lawful Though Probably Unwise

Robert Mackey: A Former Military Planner's View, or How Israel Lost

Leon T. Hadar: The Raid on the Gaza Flotilla: "Worse than a Crime, it's a Mistake"

James Zogby: Time to Call Out Israel's Bad Behavior

Mickey Bergman: The IDF Soldiers Were Sent on a Mission That Defies Logic

Steve Sheffey: Israel Justified in Gaza Action

David Suissa: Bibi Should Have Gone to Washington

Leading article: Hamas holds the key to aid for Gaza - Independent

Louise Arbour: Good may yet come of this tragedy for Gaza - Independent

US and the Middle East: Holed below the water line | Editorial - Guardian

Turkey and Israel: a deepening chill | Fadi Hakura – Guardian

The Gaza flotilla attack shows how far Israel has declined | David Grossman – Guardian

Israel had no choice over Gaza flotilla | Seth Freedman– Guardia

Leading article: A costly misjudgement by Israel Independent

Israel reveals its true face | Ahdaf Soueif Guardian

Max Boot: Israel's Gaza Flotilla Fiasco - WSJ.com

Review & Outlook: Israel's Gaza Choices - WSJ.com

Flotilla raid offers Israel a learning opportunity David Ignatius, WashPost

Terrorists at the helm NY Post

The war flotilla – NY Post

A Brief History of the Gaza Folly American Prospect

Foreign Policy: The Gaza Breakdown – NPR

Obama, Netanyahu and the Free Gaza flotilla - Washington Post (blog)

Jon Snow Asks: 'Is Gaza Our Fault' Er ... No. - Wall Street Journal (blog)

Israeli raid: Should Israel continue its Gaza blockade? - Christian Science Monitor (blog)

Jenin on the high seas - NPL

Thomas: A rerun of the same old script - ChiTrib

US torn between allies

Israel can't afford unforced errors

Max Boot – Israel wins battle, loses war

John Pohoretz – maybe there was no other way

Asia Times – no good deed goes unpunished

David Hornick

Tobin – America must support Israel as everyone condemns

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