
Purim Playlist

If you happen to be samuch or nir'eh to Modi'in tomorrow night, I highly recommend that you stop by the Masu'ot Neryah school after the Megillah reading for BKA's annual purim shpiel. Last year's was funny. This year, the team from AVE J Productions (I'm the E of AVE J) has produces a ROTFLYAO hilarious shpiel. It will not be long - 30-40 minutes - but it will be memorable.

As a teaser, below is the "soundtrack" of this year's shpiel. All of these songs figure into the shpiel in some way or another, and in no apparent order:

Sunday Bloody Sunday - U2
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond
The Place where I Belong - Journeys
The Pink Panther Theme
YMCA - The Village People
Girls Wanna Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper
Chariots of Fire Theme
Shabbos Yerushalayim - Miami Boys' Choir
Nowhere Man - The Beatles

For those who miss it, there will probably be some youtube clips available at some point.

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