
Micaptioned Pictures

I saw two mis-captioned pictures over the past few days. The first was in the weekend's Jerusalem Post, in an article on Rav Aharon Bina's support for Maj.-Gen. Yair Naveh. Naveh was commander of the Home Front during the disengagement, and is also a religious Jew. Thus, he has become the victim of all sorts of threats, curses, and piskei halakha from within the Religious-Zionist camp. Rav Bina is one of the few gutsy enough to say something about it, taking out large ads in various newspapers defending Naveh's character and motivations. The ads stay away from politics, as they should.

The funny thing is, there was a picture captioned "Rabbi Aharon Bina", but it was a picture of someone who looks nothing like Rav Bina. In fact, it was of R' David Abuhaseira. What presumably happened was that the writer or editor went looking for pix on the Netiv Aryeh webite, and found a photo gallery of R' Abuhaseira's recent visit to Netiv. There are a few pix of R' Bina with R' Abuhaseira (like this one). As you can see, they look nothing alike (Rav Bina is on the right), but the writer may have had no way of knowing who's who. I'm sure Rav Bina got a good laugh from this.

The second mistake completely baffles me. Here's a link to it. How does an Israeli news outlet let that happen? Whatever. Maybe he got confused between incumbent Prime Ministers who won't be in office much longer.

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