
One Blogger’s Confessional

On the sins that we committed before You out of apathy
And on the sins that we committed before You out of anger
On the sins that we committed before You by bullying
And on the sins that we committed before You by bashing
On the sins that we committed before You out of condescension
And on the sins that we committed before You out of curiosity
On the sins that we committed before You out of doubt
And on the sins that we committed before You out of dogma
On the sins that we committed before You environmentally
And on the sins that we committed before You emphatically
On the sins that we committed before You out of fantasy
And on the sins that we committed before You out of fear
On the sins that we committed before You out of greed
And on the sins that we committed before You through others’ gullibility
On the sins that we committed before You hungrily
And on the sins that we committed before You hurriedly
On the sins that we committed before You out of ignorance
And on the sins that we committed before You out of inhumanity
On the sins that we committed before You joyously
And on the sins that we committed before You jadedly
On the sins that we committed before You by not acting kindly
And on the sins that we committed before You for the sake of kinship
On the sins that we committed before You out of laziness
And on the sins that we committed before You out of lust
On the sins that we committed before You monetarily
And on the sins that we committed before You by mocking
On the sins that we committed before You through narcissism
And on the sins that we committed before You for the sake of nonsense
On the sins that we committed before You through ostentation
And on the sins that we committed before You through opportunism
On the sins that we committed before You philosophically
And on the sins that we committed before You without patience
On the sins that we committed before You out of quietism
And on the sins that we committed before You through phony quaking
On the sins that we committed before You through ridicule
And on the sins that we committed before You through racism
On the sins that we committed before You stubbornly
And on the sins that we committed before You through speech
On the sins that we committed before You through touch
And on the sins that we committed before You through taste
On the sins that we committed before You unabashedly
And on the sins that we committed before You for the sake of unity
On the sins that we committed before You vicariously
And on the sins that we committed before You viciously
On the sins that we committed before You wastefully
And on the sins that we committed before You willfully
On the sins that we committed before You out of xenophobia
And on the sins that we committed before You that are X-rated
On the sins that we committed before You out of youthful indiscretion
And on the sins that we committed before You by yelling
On the sins that we committed before You out of zeal
And on the sins that we committed before You with zest

For all of these, O Clement God, Grant us Clemency, Forgive us, Excuse us

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