
Hosting a Farbrengen

Writing about encounters with fellow bloggers is usually Steg’s territory (hey – another gratuitous linq), but the other night I had the opportunity to farbreng with Dovid of ‘A New York State of Mind’.
My Purim ended rather tamely. We had a few other families w/ kids for the se’udah, and I was the only male not driving. I had about 2/3 of a bottle of light, sweet wine, and was ready to retire, Rambam-style. Before going to sleep, I checked a few of my regular blogs for Purim-Torah, and saw that Dovid was going to be in my general neighborhood. So I called the local Chabad Rabbi and asked if he was hosting a bachur named Dovid, and can I speak to him. I told him I read his blog, but that I’m too tired to head over to Chabad to meet him, so he and his roommate, Shloime, came over (don’t worry, they didn’t drive). And this is where things begin to get fuzzy.

Over the course of the next 2.5 hours, the two of them went through 5 or 6 Corona longnecks, as Dovid continually refilled my cup with Cherry Heering (I know, it’s a shtikl vaybish, but I love the stuff). And we engaged in some very intense conversation, really farbrenged (Farbrung? Farbrought?). I’m struggling to reconstruct snippets of the conversation, which was intense but wide-ranging. Fortunately, I told the ADDeRebbetzin what happened before passing out. She's going to help me reconstruct. It'll be in my next post.

Apparently, Dovid also posted about our meeting- here, and has added me to his blogroll. As a result, I've garnered over 60 first-time visitors, mostly from his site. So a hearty welcome to my new Lubavitcher readers. I've mentioned Chabad in a few previous posts, like here, here, and here. That last post is actually one of the things that Dovid, Shloime, and I discussed the other night. And a bit of a warning, I'm not addressing Chabad as an insider would.

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