
Clarification to Ha'aretz Interview

Not that it matters to the article all that much, but Gush sent out a clarification about the Yeshiva's leadership structure. So in case it doesn't make it into Ha'aretz, here it is:

Regarding Yair Sheleg's excellent article about the founding Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion, Harav Yehuda Amital ( A rare breed,this 'simple Jew' - June 12, 2005), please note that Harav AharonLichtenstein and Harav Yehuda Amital are not stepping down from their posts as Roshei Yeshiva at this time but, rather, Harav Yaakov Medan and Harav Baruch Gigi will be serving alongside them beginning in the 5766 academic year. Thus, next year, there will be four acting Roshei Yeshiva at Yeshivat Har Etzion. When Harav Amital retires, the Yeshiva will be headed by three Roshei Yeshiva. At some future date, with an eye to Harav Lichtenstein's eventual retirement, another Rosh Yeshiva will be designated to serve jointly with Harav Medan and Harav Gigito be endowed , in addition to all the other requisite qualities withwhat has been denominated "an American orientation" - i.e. significant knowledge of the American Jewish community and its culture. TheYeshiva trusts that these steps will ensure the orderly transfer ofleadership and provide, with the help of God, the proper balance ofcontinuity and innovation.

Shira Schreier
PR Dept.
Yeshivat Har Etzion

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